A Different Kind of Church
That Makes a Difference
We believe God's love embraces all.
We are a Vibrant, Inclusive, Progressive Christian church. We value all individuals, wherever they are on life's journey... We believe that God wants us to be full of joy and hope for our future.
Outreach Ministries
At MCC Key West, we practice our Christian calling by performing ministries helping those in need, and uplifting one another in fellowship.
Learn more about Fellowship Ministries.
Fellowship Ministries
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At MCC Key West, we practice our Christian calling performing ministries helping those in need, and uplifting one another in fellowship.
A Different Kind of Church
MCC Key West is a uniquely progressive Church.
We are "culturally Christian" but "spiritually unlimited." That means while we are inheritors of the Christian tradition and scriptures, and we look to Jesus of Nazareth as our primary model of faithful living, we are open to insights from Science, Psychology, the Arts, Nature, and the various noble Religions of the world. We celebrate the sacraments, but Communion is presented as a feast of unconditional love that is open to all people regardless of belief or church membership, and baptism is presented as being immersed in the life of the community, which one may choose to celebrate with a public water ritual (or not).
We practice positive thinking, we lift up All people and we teach that no one is ever excluded from divine Love for any reason. We declare that all people have sacred values. We are a non-dogmatic, inclusive, spiritual community. We are "progressive, positive, and practical."

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(305) 294-8912